PSY100H1 : psych notes.docx

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PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Psychological science is both empirical and determinism. Behavior comes from observing what we see and measure caused by many factors. Empiricism: a philosophical theory that knowledge comes through experience. Knowledge about the world is based on careful observation and not on speculation or common sense. Whatever we see or measure should be observable by everyone else who follows the same method. Scientific theories must be rational and must explain how they fit together. Seeing is believing but reasoning about observations is just as important. Determinism: the belief that all events are governed by lawful, cause and effect relationships. This is easy to understand when we discuss natural law, if you drop a textbook, it will fall. There is evidence that our behaviors are determined so that we don"t really have free will, we can"t really do whatever we want. Behavior is determined by internal (genes, brain chemistry) and external influences (world, media)