POL214Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pink-Collar Worker, Riding Association, Role Theory

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13 Mar 2020

Document Summary

Women tend to be more sceptical than men of the workings of the market, they are less likely to favour close ties with the united states, and they are more open to diverse lifestyles and sexual mores. 1: women"s involvement in the two major parties at the time (the liberals and the progressive. Conservative) took the form of activisms in ladies" auxiliary organizations that supported the party but played no role in directing it. Increasingly, research on women in politics really is on women who have entered the formal political arena. Evidence of discrimination: studies of women who have been elected to serve in legislatures have found evidence that, once elected, they experience discrimination on the part of their male colleagues. Job dissatisfaction: docherty (1997), notes that women [in the house of commons] are less likely to experience satisfying careers.