POL214Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Edmund Burke, John Locke, Quebec Act

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What is the constitution: supreme laws, rules about governance and values, functions of state, citizen-state relations. Two types of rules: written, federalism (bna 1867, constitution act 1982, royal proclamation, 1763, only crown has power to purchase land from indigenous peoples, quebec act, 1774, unwritten, responsible government, judicial decisions. Visions of constitution: equal provinces, without provinces coming together, there would be no federal state, 2 nations, french and english, 3 nations. Indigenous, french, english: pan-canadian, we as individuals are canadian. Constitutional changes: burkean, concept of a "living tree, change is slow, pragmatic, gradual, ex: 1929 persons case, lockean, covenant, sacred, promised pact between citizens, expression of sovereign will of everyone, need explicit consent of everybody, 7/50 rule. Peter russell: canadians cannot agree on who they are, but who they are not. Pm and cabinet: policy making, every cabinet minister has a department they control.