POL208Y1 Study Guide - Garrett Hardin, Neofunctionalism, Dependency Theory

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23 Apr 2013

Document Summary

Some nations are developed and some are underdeveloped, one just feeding off the other. Depedency theory argues that all countries are modern, even developing nations, they are not behind in time rather exist as a result of modernity. Underdevelopment happens under the condition of resource extraction. Developing nations are the way they are because of the way they have been interted into the world system. The development of some depends on the underdevelopment of others. Example - industrial revolution depended on resource extraction. Dependency theory states that developed nations only reached their level of development through the exploitation of developing nations. Developed nations are referred to as the core. Latin america is part of the semi-periphery, and the periphery are the developing nations of today, such as african countries. These developing countries remain in the periphery and continue to be exploited by developed nations today to remain in their positon of power.