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St. agustin lived in 5thc. in north africa. Our political institutions are tied to these traditions. Iben rouch wiring in spain arabic. It"s like a family tree (born in athens) In all these texts, it"s possible to read from a gender perspective. Intellectual context: why do we start with the greeks: ionian revolution: Culture etc has moved from east to west. They wrote in greek they were greek, but it was east of greece, they expect the world to be orderly, Socrates was accused of investigating things in heaven and earth aka being an ionian because the way they approached the world challenged the pagan ways. What is the western philosophical tradition: socrates/plato: Rational account of the good life (polis) Being a good person was connected to living in a good society ethics and poiltics. It"s tied to using reason rationality and applying human reason to the problem of the world.