POL101Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Global Governance, World Trade Organization, Authoritarianism

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17 Apr 2019

Document Summary

Half the world"s population lives on less than two dollars a day. Disparities in wealth are alarming because we live in an interconnected world, a global political and economic order, which suggests that the suffering of some might be a result of injustice in the order itself. Although this order possesses no actual government, it is ruled through a network of organizations, a phenomenon captured by the term "global governance. " At the political level, the state system is governed by a set of rules, the most significant of which are codified by the un charter + economic institutions like imf, wto, etc. The global order includes but is not reducible to states. We should ask questions about the global order that we normally only ask of states. He is arguing against 2 of pogge"s arguments against the global order: shared institutions and. As opposed to geography thesis (determined by location, climate, etc. ) and integration thesis (determined by world market integration).