POL101Y1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Carl Neumann Degler, Miscegenation, Black Nationalism

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11 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Industrialization, class conflict, rising nationalism have reinforced racial domination and conflict. Race is not found but made and used. Brazil most prominent cases in which european settles colonized: social and economic measures indicate significant disparities between black and white that built on the legacy of slavery. Different contexts, however, set them apart: dutch, british, and portuguese settlers brought different practices, religions, and traditions to their colonies, led to different kinds of economic development and state consolidation. Us promised equal rights, unlike in south africa. Different demographics: african minority in the us, african and european people are equal in number in brazil. Indigenous africans are the majority in south africa. South africa and the united states segregation, conflict. Lack of racial categorization, domination, and conflict in postabolition brazil is explained through racial tolerance imposed by portuguese colonialists. Colonizers of the us and south america brought in different ideals of discrimination. Slavery started in all three countries under colonialism.