PHY100H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Right-Hand Rule, Twin Paradox, Charge Conservation

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PHY100H1 Full Course Notes
PHY100H1 Full Course Notes
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Phy100 exam format electrons act like light in the sense that light behaves like particles (if you look at them) but really electromagnetic waves. Symmetry describes features of spacetime and particles which are unchanged under some transformation. (if appearance remains unchanged). (something we can do to it, that after we have done it, it looks the same feynman) We can turn it and examine it but it"s about what else we can do and observe. Symmetry in space and time must hold true. Symmetry and conservation laws must hold true: laws are symmetrical under translation in time means, in quantum mechanics that energy is conserved. Matter is not studied at finite temperatures. We study matter when it is moving around. The reason why we get interference, light does not care whether the quantum electrons matter. Classically if the electron were not a quantum particle, it could radiate some electromagnetic particle and collide with the nucleus however, the.