PHL240H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Supervenience, Egalitarianism, Behaviorism

177 views7 pages
25 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Midterm study notes: define , searle"s . Long story short, it is insufficient to qualify for understanding even if you are following the right program/instructions. *turing: discover whether someone really understands something, or has learned it parrot-fashion . b. c: what is the . Objections and replies : singer"s egalitarianism: give people equal consideration when considering their rights as a human being. i. ii. iii. Equal consideration is not the same thing as equal treatment. Applies to animals as well; if we want to say that animals don"t have minds, we"d have to say kids and the severely disabled do not have minds either: pro-life argument and rejection of the premises: 3. therefore, abortion is wrong i. ii. iii: warren rejects the first premise c. Thomson rejects the second: what is warren"s pro-choice argument (the human beings account), analyzing the following argument: 1) it is wrong to kill innocent human beings. i.