PHL200Y1 : Plato In Class Essay Question Answers

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P hl200 in-class essay exam on dec 2 nd 5 possible questions, be prepared to answer all of them: socrates is searching for the definition of virtue: in which case he seeks a definition of piety. There is a distinction between 2 ways of defining something: giving affections to the object, and giving the nature of an object (what it is like vs what it is) He takes the object of definition to be giving the nature of an object. What role (if any) does socrates" conception of definition play in his refutation of. It does play a role because euthyphro is attempting to define piety by claiming that what is pious is what is loved by all the gods. However this definition does not suggest the nature of what is pious, and only the affections (that it is loved by the gods)