PCL102H1- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 47 pages long!)

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Tiny molecules that perform most of the tasks needed to keep cells alive. Small molecules that bind to one specific protein and modify its action. Can kill a bacterial or cancer cell. Gently block less critical proteins for a few hours. Need to kill pathogens (bacteria and viruses) without poisoning the patient. Attack proteins that are only found in the target bacteria/ virus and are critical for the survival / reproduction of that virus. Attacks the enzyme that build bacterial cell walls. Attacks enzyme that is needed for hiv maturation. Hard to kill them without drugs that cant distinguish between cancer and normal cells. This is why chemo has side effects. Rapid growing cells like hair follicles and stomach cells. Cleaves dna chain to kill the cell. Prevents action of microtubules during cell division. Effects of drugs wear off after a few hours. Enzymes like cytochrome p450 continually search for drugs and destroy them.