NEW232Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mpu Prapanca, Habituation, Psychopathy

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Iniial stage of mindfulness is calming the mind, the agitaion through right concentraion- leads to serenity. Right mindfulness culivated by the 4 foundaions of mindfulness: of body, feelings, mental states, mental phenomena. In buddhist psychology, culivaing mindfulness not simply siing and remaining aware of mental processes nonjudgmentally. Includes speciic strategies and techniques that culminate in realizing the truth of non-self/ phenomena etc. The buddha described 4 foundaions of mindfulness, any of which could lead to development of mindfulness and insight. Contemplaion 1: body: breathing awareness, mindfulness of the 4 postures: walking, standing, siing, lying down, mindfulness of clear comprehension, meditaion on nature of the physical body, mindfulness of the 4 elements, cemetery meditaions. Every act of awareness colored by feeling, at every moment of experience. 5 unpleasant mental states: lust, aversion, dullness/ drowsiness, restlessness/ worry, doubt. 7 factors of enlightenment: mindfulness, invesigaion of qualiies, persistence, joy, tranquility, concentraion, equanimity. 5 aggregates/ skandhas: form, feeling, percepion, consciousness, mental formaions/habits.