NEW232Y1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Buddhism And Psychology, Pleasure, Mpu Prapanca

109 views13 pages
10 Dec 2016

Document Summary

12 links of dependent origination (how things came to be, how we function: ignorance (avidya) Our thoughts and behaviors are a result of our ignorance. Opposite of right view (first noble truth: actions (samskara) Patterns of thoughts, actions or behaviors that are caused by ignorance. Individual reactions to food, music, temperatures, humor, weather strengths, vulnerability. Usually unconscious or outside our mental processes. Our personality is the interaction between unconscious motivational drives (anusaya) and our environment. Affected by your biology, social conditioning and psychology: consciousness (vijnana) Our 6 internal consciousnesses (visual, auditory, etc) make us conscious of the external world. Build upon our habitual patterns of thinking (samskaras) Involves mental events (thoughts, fantasies) and sensory events (taste, sounds: name and form (nama rupa) Body and mind, self concept, ego, identity. Name (mind) and form (physical body aspect of self) defines our sense of self, self identity, ego, personality. An embodiment of ignorance, disposition and consciousness: six sense organs (sad-ayatana)