NMC273Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Banu Taym, Banu Khazraj, Bahira

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Hashim was said to be a man of wealth and generosity. Broth abd shams was poor and had a large family always on trading expeditions. Status of clan declined after death of hashim abd shams had commercial success. Son abd al-muttalib was spokes person for quraysh in negotiation with abraha during day of. Abd al-muttalib had four sons: abd allah (died young), al-zubary, abu talib, and abu. Clan became members of hilf al-fudul/confederation of the virtuous after abu muttalib"s death. Banu hashim was no longer among wealthiest or politically powerful of the meccan clans. Direct descendants of qusayy and members of holy family of mecca and closely connected with the haram muhammad b. Abd al-muttalib b. hashim was born in 570 when. Abraha the abyssinian made his attack on mecca. Father died when born, mother amina and grandfather abd al-muttalib took care of him a wet nurse named halima from hawazin bedouin tribe spent his early years with them.