NMC273Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ancient Greek Philosophy, Hormizd Iv, Jizya

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640 ca. beginning of conquest in middle east and turning point for religion of its peoples. Romans and parthians given away byzantine and sasanian empires due to rome"s shift to the east and sasanian assertiveness both empires wanted to exert powers and were fighting for it. Peoples of ethiopia, southern arabia, and the arabs of syrian steppe and northern arabia were courted for allegiance and support. Ruling elites no longer remained indifferent on beliefs of masses religion and politics became closely related result in heresy in byzantine and self-admin religious communities in sasanians. Classical world brought primarily through agency of christianity bishops replaced councillers secular writing not as popular as miracle stories. People in muslim societies that were christian or jewish were called ahl al-kitab/peoples of the book. One distinctiveness of early islam was in the turn of the eighth century under caliph abd al-