NMC273Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Kufa, Syriac Christianity, Arabian Peninsula

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Qur"an makes reference to sura 9: verse 29. Dhimma: protection that the jews and christians got, dhimmi. People who are protected will be protected from external enemies. Eternal autonomy able to do religious affairs as long as they pay jizya. In ansar, displacements of populations even muslims in conquering armies. Muslim arabsd in this period are a small minority in conquered territories. Pagan arabs who had not convertred in arabian peninsula. Watt says that they became muslim in order to avoid attack. Benem talib fled, many of them into byzantine christians. Ahl al-kitaab people of the book: chrsitians and jews, eventally zoroastrians and others. Whether under or outside, they are still ahl al-kitaab. Religious identity is important and a sign of social fragmentation of community. Under ottomans communities called milets if not muslim origin for social organization comes from sasanian zoroastrian tradition.