NMC273Y1 Midterm: notes-exam

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Muslim authority over arabian peninsula hijaz and its cities incorporated in the muslim state, accepting islam and paying sadaqa tax najd and areas of ne arabia some tribes like ghatafan, Asad, and tayy agreed to pay tax and accept islam while those far from medina like in tamin paid taxes but were like nah fam to islam banu hanifa of yamana united in opposition to. Sa and yemen, tribal alliances with muslims while others hostile abna in yemen sought support from muhammad. Najd tried to arrange a compromise where they remained muslims but didn"t need to pay tax . Tamin divided in some supporting prophetess sajah while others continued to look to medina . Musaylima and banu hanifa were happy rivals were gone bahrayn and uman, local supporters found position weakened; al-mundhir b. sawa in bahryan was killed, while sons of julanda in.