NMC260Y1 Midterm: images

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Plays great role in the reorganization of religion. A hurrian princess hurrian and hittite names come into being. Alos known as the kingdom of kheta kingdom of. The new kingdom is known as the hittite empire. After these two it declined and got attacked by sea people and finally fell in the hands of the assyrains. Hattusili 1- built up hattusa as the capital of the emerging kingdom. Most prominent explanation for the political collapse of anatolia and the levant in c 1200. Term sea people embraces several movements by various peoples just before and just after 1200. Problem in understanding how the sea peoples might have been responsible revolves around their identity. Only sources for the role of the sea peoples accounts of two egyptian campaigns. One is the description at karnak of war by merneptah in his 5th year against. Libyans people of the country of the seas .