NMC260Y1 Midterm: N260 midterm3outline

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Canaanite urban centres that thrived on trade with. 2350-2000; 300 year period of collapse; period of decline and return to pastoralist- nomad lifestyle and unprotected village dwelling. Egypt"s renaissance, but not deterred by the hyksos"s destabilization of. Sumer and akkad (semitic) were unified under the dynasty of ur (brief unification) A renaissance of sumerian culture following the collapse of the semitic dynasty of akkad from internal and external pressures (amorite = west semitic) many leaders were amorite. There was no centralized power, but several city-states vied for power i. e. isin, larsa, eshunna, Ishbi-erra (amorite and former officer); control of water supply was central to power and conflict. Gungunum, amorite breaks off from isin; controls ur (port city and control of sea trade); it controlled the ports of dilmun, Magan, meluha (way trade station with harappan civilization) Rim-sin (1822) was the leader when it was conquered. Rulers, illushama (turns assur into a free trade port) shamsi-