HIS109Y1- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 332 pages long!)

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11 Oct 2017

Document Summary

In july of 1914, the austro-hungarians sent an ultimatum to the serbs. Russia complicated the matter by declaring that it could not stand by and watch the humiliation of a slav and orthodox state by a catholic empire. History can be said to be the study of how societies and people change over time, history involves analyzing events such as the great war and the 2008 financial crisis to determine what led to those events and why. History is useful as it not only tells us how we got where we are now, but how to avoid making the same mistakes that were made in the past. Historians have to analyze insane amounts of evidence in the form of primary source documents such as letters, manuscripts and the like, ancient relics or ruins, and secondary source documents consisting of data processed by other historians. Feudalism is thought to have originated with roman law, the word actually originates from.