HIS377H1 Study Guide - Che Guevara, Mobutu Sese Seko, João Goulart

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26 Apr 2014

Document Summary

Building the ranks of the free : the global cold war. We will look at this idea of global cold war . University swelled during the cold war period gi bill. Most educated most opinionated in american history. This is the generation that will be protesting against global american policy. Rise of soviet communism and rapid decolonization of the third world. Introduction: kennedy and the ranks of the free : kennedy speaks directly to the third world. Important concept from the kennedy administration: a lot of cold war intellectuals will put a great effort to encompass the concept of americanism, how do we come up with a concept that is enough to rival communism. Problem: us until the 1960s totally racist. Eisenhower on record: everyone in the world is watching the us and its domestic racial problem: how can you expect them to follow us, communism appears to have a plan.