HIS242H1 Midterm: Lecture Notes Up to Mid-Term.docx

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18 Apr 2012

Document Summary

World war one 1914-1918: diplomacy and failures of diplomacy: the july crisis, trench warfare in the west, violence and politics. Europe was at the zenith of its power, approx 400 million people, 25% of the world"s population. Imperial and colonial society, with products coming from around the world. Colonial rivalries between britain and france and even germany, showed that there was going to be tension between the countries. Threats of violence ignited first in colonial disputes over territories which would move over into all of european eventually. Boer war and the german war 1904-7 gave a test of wars to come: boer war brought the concentration camp into being, first time it was seen, and the german war was a genocide war. All of the empires save the british would all fall and disappear from the map: britain would come out of the war as one of the great winners.