HIS220Y1 Study Guide - Compline

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9 Jan 2012

Document Summary

The more north in geography, less influence romans have. Rise of christianity, started off as an illicit religion, later constantine became emperor and allowed christianity to be practiced openly. He then moved the capital to constantinople in byzantium. Empire then cut in half- western and eastern empire. Barbarians put an end to the western empire, and ended city lives (depopulation and plague) Center of power shifts north to germanic areas. Barbarians invaded europe and push out the celts from the old empire and took over. The barbarians turned the roman cities into self efficient countries. Roman activity moved to constantinople, with the emperor justinian. The bishops have taken over the administrative responsibilities in the few remaining isolated cities, the monks and nuns set up communities protected by local lords to continue the practice of opus dei, they became powerful through their prestige. The monks became important, st. benedict set out rules for monasteries.