HIS102Y1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hundred Flowers Campaign, Mao Zedong, Liaodong Peninsula

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16 Apr 2014

Document Summary

Unyo-kan incident: happened in 1895 september when few sailors were fired upon when seeking water and provisions in korea. Japan wanted an apology but korea refused so this led to a war which japan won and later created a kanghwa treaty. This treaty was to make korea and independent state and open 3 ports in japan and extraterritoriality of japanese citizens. 1894: the tonghak rebellion: korea asked china for help to help improve their conditions for the poor and toleration for their religion. The triple intervention (1895): france, germany and russia wanted japan to give up the. Liaodong peninsula and return it back to china, in hopes of building a railway to china. Japan eventually gave up and said their troops will be leaving the peninsula in december 1895. China even gave japan an indemnity of 1. 12 million kg of silver. Later, russia had the peninsula for lease for 25 years to build a railway from harbin to port arthur.