GGR334H1- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 32 pages long!)

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Lecture two: human right or commodity? (september 21st 2016) For human survival the absolute minimum daily water requirement is 5l. For basic human needs (bathing, washing, etc. ) is 50l per person per day. There(cid:859)s a huge dis(cid:272)repa(cid:374)(cid:272)y (cid:271)/(cid:449) (cid:449)ater usage, so(cid:373)e people at (cid:1006)l to (cid:1007)75l. 70% of the earth is water, 97% is saltwater. Of the 3% of freshwater, only 0. 3% is surface water. Groundwater contamination, as water is removed air pockets are created which can lead to sink holes. Wastewater is not/ has not always been treated and is sometimes directly dumped into water. Goal is to render water a private commodity, sold and traded on the open market. Bolivia: severe scarcity, private corporation provided water for a 300% mark up= mass protests so, companies(cid:859) left. Water is more scarce, so it becomes attractive. Increase in need for infrastructure which private can provide. Investment opportunities, to make 28713$ off of the need for water.