EEB263H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Agnatha, Sarcopterygii, Plesiosauria

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Sagittal vertical and lenghthwise to body right and left. Frontal lengthwish top and bottom (hotizontal) Transverse vertical a across length of body front and back. Anterior / posterior - toward head or tail. Dorsal / ventral toward back or belly. Medial / lateral - toward or away from sagittal midline. Proximal / distal closer or father from reference point. **** in urochordates the features are all present only during larval development and some are lost during metamorphosis, and that in cephalochordates the notochord extends into the tip of the head. Cephalochordates phyarnx has numerous slits that collectively empty into a surrounding chamber, the atrium, before leaving the body through a common opening. The endostyle secrets mucus, which particles suspended in the water. Craniates predaceous, oral cup clings to prey, ingest blood and body luids. Subdivided pharynx with ventral part forming and respiratory tube that can isolated from mouth by velum.