EAS105H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Urban Design, Mass Production, Human Subject Research

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6 Oct 2013

Document Summary

Japanese colony: choe ikeyeon an appeal to arms- opposed to cut top nods and presented a memorial, he refused you can cut my hear but my nods. Japanese took him to japan island he refused to eat and died. Reading for thursday choe an appeal to arms- do not live a life of a slave he will die for his emperor, trader are iraticatiors of pro japan. Yi gangnyeuon- wrote a letter to ito hirohumi (first prim minister of japan and governor general of korea) studied abroad in london and doc degree in yale; In the letter- called japanese a barbarian confucius idea, you killed our queen changed out customs and killed out people. 35 years colonial rule of korea, japan was a late comer to imperialism had the advantages of learning western colonialism learned their mistakes of the british and germany. Japan- 1) 1910-1919 military rule: 2) cultural rule, 3) wartime rule.