EAS103H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Four Beauties, Choe Chung-Heon, Great Learning

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The analects: a collection of sayings and ideas attributed to the chinese philosopher confucius and his contemporaries and written by his followers during the warring states period (475-221bce). He believed in piety to an extreme degree with his vision of the perfect society being superiors looking after dependants who in turn service themselves to their superiors. The relationships would be between father and son, ruler and subject, husband and wife, and elder and younger brother. Bai juyi: a renowned chinese poet (772-846) during the tang dynasty whose works can be found in the complete tang poems, a collection of poems by various authors. Many of his poems concern his career or observations made about everyday life, including governor of three different provinces. Chang"an: the tang capital built by the sui dynasty near the site of the han dynasty capital of the same name.