EAS103H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Emperor Xiaowen Of Northern Wei, Luoyang, Thousand Character Classic

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Part ii: on the midterm, five pairs of terms/ideas will be selected. For each pair, you will need to write 1-2 sentences that explain the most important connection between the two. Ideas. (you do not need to memorize exact dates for this question: amaterasu: a part of the japanese myth cycle and also a major deity of the shinto religion. 720ad was when tales were told: baekje: 18bc until 660 ad was a kingdom located in southwest korea. It deemphasizes mere knowledge of sutras and doctrine. Japanese politics of heian period: hangul script: began in 1443, is the native alphabet of the korean language, modified by chinese characters, hinayana buddhism: the term appeared around the 1st o(cid:396) 2(cid:374)d (cid:272)e(cid:374)tu(cid:396)y, t(cid:396)a(cid:374)slated to (cid:862)s(cid:373)all (cid:448)ehi(cid:272)le(cid:863). The soga clan had much contact with foreigners, including the koreans and the chinese. They favored the adoption of buddhism and of governmental and cultural models based on.