CSB332H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pelvic Splanchnic Nerves, Substantia Nigra, Axon Terminal

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Tetanic induced ltp in rabbit/rat hpc - liss & loebel - lecture 12 tetanic stimuli to perforated pathway; record in granule cells of dg: synaptic response observed, amplitude jumps up 175%, outlasts stimulus by hours. Spike-timing dependent synaptic plasticity - li & poo - lecture 13/14. Used spike-timing induction protocols (vs. tet. stim. ) with lower frequencies paired pre/postsynaptic ap. Positive spike-timing interval: epsp then ap (pre post) > ltp. Negative spike-timing interval: epsp after ap(post pre) > ltd find avg. strength of synapse~25min. @ post-synaptic amplitude recording start induction protocol measure change. Aplysia ltp + learning and memory - kandel - 2000 nobel prize -lecture 13/14. Aplysia learn non-declarative memory sensitization of gill-withdrawal reflex skin of siphon sensory neuron interneuron motor neuron gill withdrawal serotonin released by facilitating interneuron binds to receptors (metabotropic) activate. G-proteins adenylate cyclase signal transuction camp pka inactivate k+ channels.