CSB325H1- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 16 pages long!)

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Page 8: homeostasis keep body within range, if above/below stress function, 10s of 1000s of hormones across all species, define hormones as signaling molecules (20-30k, exist in every tissue. Page 9: hormones aren"t programmed to maintain homeostasis they transmit info from 1 system to another, many modalities, communication and information transfer. Page 10: every signaling system works this way. Page 11: there has to be a receptor for a functional signal system, within cell, has to integrate the +/- responses. Page 12: separation of physiology and developmental biology, endocrine-type mechanism: being secreted into vascular system and circulates, endocrinology and endocrine signaling system have different definitions. B. 2: endocrine goes into vascular system and carried a distance, neuroendocrine brain cell releases into vascular system. If all secreting some molecule, impossible to tell which released each molecule, act as an autocrine system. Nm comes to presynaptic component to modulate amount of nt released.