[COG250Y1] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (19 pages long)

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5 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Study in a manner similarly to how you will be tested. Write an abstract, doesn"t count towards 2000 words. Review other people"s work and have others who can argue your point. Essay must have an alphabetized reference list in standard apa format. Format of final exam will be the exact format of second midterm. Essays should be in third person, only can use first person in examples. Go to workshops for bonus marks, attendance will be taken. All these interact with each other and are not independent from each other, are connected in important ways. Cognitive science is the study of how these levels interact with each other. It is the discipline that connects all these aspects. Gathering evidence in all these aspects are different, like using a different language. Philosophy has the important role of trying to construct a conceptual vocabulary to bridge these disciplines. Common sense uses the familiar to explain the unfamiliar.