JAV131H1 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe, Weissenhof Estate, Le Corbusier

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1917-1933 modernisms and avant-gardes: why was le corbusier so important, le cor(cid:271)usier(cid:859)s fi(cid:448)e poi(cid:374)ts, towards an arch (book), 1923, made villa savoye, poissy, 1928-9, made plan voisin, 1925, uses warm saturated colours. 1981: things rapidly evolved new innovations, 1926 bauhaus, dessau, 1927 weissenhofsiedlung, stuttgart - exhibition, 1928 ciam, la sarraz international congress of modern arch. School was about theatre, designing, drawing, painting, making furniture. A lot of international students helped spread his vision around the world mostly in japan. Le corbusier and ludwig mies van der rohe, weissenhof estate, stuttgart 1927. Ludwig mies van der rohe, weissenhofsiedlung, stuttgart, 1927: embraced futurism would take picts of buildings with car in front of it, weissenhofsidlung (j. j. p. Kitchen was important efficient, simple and clean kitchen: a house should be a like a machine. A building should have pillars not walls. Le corbusier, five points 1920s (pilotis: 2. Free plan pillars can create divisions: 4. Free elevation have wide and long windows: 5.