JAV131H1 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Henry Van De Velde, Art Nouveau, Henri Sauvage

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Art nouveau: a complex movement/struggle of world views, embraced tech. but architecture that was unaffordable taking different aspects of different buildings and putting it together, two types: urban cosmopolitan style and peripheral national style. Industrialization and urbanization of europe around 1850. Urban cosmopolitan style: mainly in glasgow, brussels, paris, vienna, barcelona: urban setting for a new style. Designs everything himself: school of arts, 1897-1909. Brussels: victor horta, tassel house, 1895, was(cid:374)"t i(cid:373)porta(cid:374)t (cid:271)efore u(cid:374)til this made expensive handmade stuff and also used steel, was a revolution completely new continuous lines and flowy. Belgium: henry van de velde, bloemenwerf house, uccle, 1895 - organic. Hector guimard, metro entrances, 1900 1912: henri sauvage, villa majorelle, nancy, france, 1902 newly invented forms of decorations. National style: lesund, norway hit by a disaster new buildings were built after 1907. Poland: stanislaw witkiewicz, villa koliba, zakopane, 1892 rural style. Paris: odon lechner, museum of applied arts, budapest, 1896.