[SOCB54H3] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 63 pages long Study Guide!

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5 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Study guide: sociology of work lecture 1. Work may be defined as the human effort (physical and mental) required for producing goods and services that fulfil human needs. Cultural needs, social forces ( we are in need of a tv a social drive, not a necessity) Work is important for psychological and social reasons, as well as economic ones. As a determinant of social status (prestigious status associated with jobs like lawyers and doctors) and work can be an important source of identity. Its not just about the money (social identity), it becomes a way of locating us in society. People prefer to work in low paying jobs than go on welfare. 1996 survey survey: only 6% of grade 12 students said they would rather collect welfare than work a job that they do not like. Lottery winners who keep working (might continue working but changing jobs to something that suits their new lifestyles better.