RLGA02H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Radiance, Ketuvim, Gregory Palamas

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7 Apr 2014

Document Summary

Bar mitzvah: aramaic terms son of commandments - title given to a 13 year old boy when he is initiated into adult ritual responsibilities, some branches of judaism also celebrate a bat. This coming of age ritual regular part of every congregation"s weekly worship. Teen reads two selections from hebrew bible: one frompentateuch (5 books of moses which is the first section of the bible) and one from the second section; the prophets. Ceremony signifies an arrival at the age of ritual and moral responsibility. Also allows them to be accounted towards the minyan (as 10 ppl are needed for group prayer) Allows them to be asked to read aloud from sacred scripture and recite blessings that are part of synagogue service. The ceremony may differ from one congregation to the next may be in the local language others all in hebrew. After service = luncheon/dinner to celebrate the teens success and family"s good fortune.