[PSYC39H3] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 171 pages long Study Guide!

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28 Nov 2016

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Chapter 1-crime in canada: typical offender profile versus a sensational offender profile. The results showed the government having moderate influence and academic contributions as having none (although some provide commentaries in newspapers & magazines) Tv news was the highest followed by friends have family. Current context: criminal behavior and individual and intra-individual (i. e. , personality) influences, greater understanding of criminal behavior comes from psychological explanations that consider individual differences, psychology is interested in: Intra-individiual differences (variations in criminal conduct within an individual across time & situations) Inter-indiviudal differences (variations in criminal conduct between individuals). *the difference in psychology & sociology is the level or focus of comparisons* Psychology focuses on individuals whereas sociology focuses on groups. Psychology is like a microscope (anaology: to define the study of criminal behavior vary somewhat across different texts: Forensic psychology refers to any application of psychology to the legal system. In the uk: the specific psychological study of criminal behavior is referred to as.