PSYC12H3- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 22 pages long!)

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5 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Implicit prejudice may be more detrimental to prejudiced groups because the cause of inequalities are unrecognized. Implicit (modern) forms of prejudice may work in subtle ways to maintain inequality in societies. Definitions: stereotype: a tendency of people to think of someone or something in similar terms that is, as having similar attributes. This can lead to violence, human rights violations, war crimes, and genocide. Psyc12 lecture 2: the origin and maintenance of stereotypes. Likely, it is the case that individual"s perceptions are based on selective attention to a relatively small number of cases, which leads to an illusory correlation. In this context, stereotypes are no longer regarded as a product of lazy thinking or among those with moral deficiencies (allport, 1954). In-groups and out-groups cognitive resources to other tasks: an important way in which people categorize individuals is into in-groups and out-groups, members of in-groups are expected to be unique individuals who share one or two common features.