PSYC06H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Strong Inference, Dependent And Independent Variables, Psychophysiology

54 views1 pages
18 Feb 2013

Document Summary

Psyc06 - lecture 5, cacioppo & tassinary1990 psychophysiology theory and inference. One-to-one one psychological event maps on to one and only one physiological event. One-to-many one psychological event maps on the many physiological events. Many-to-one many psychological events map onto one physiological event. Many-to-many many psychological events map onto many physiological events. Null a psychological event does not map onto any physiological event or vice versa. Clustering of psychological and physiological events look for patterns of physiological responses or patterns or psychological responses. This reduces multiple events to a single cluster of events. These relationships are theoretical possibilities but they are bound by the world we live in. So they comprise only one dimension that we call specificity". Sensitivity the likelihood that a physiological measure will vary with any psychological measure. Out marker: startle eye blink and current affective state. Types of inference - one form of inference never demonstrates the other form inference, even if it is reliably observed.