PSYC06H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Axon Hillock, Myelin, Cell Signaling

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18 Feb 2013

Document Summary

It is a subfield of psychology that studies the embodiment of the mind. How mental processes are reflected in or cause bodily responses. Monism the mind and body are not distinct from each other (they are the same). The mind is a bodily system like any other. Substance dualism (descartes) the mind and body are composed of different substances. Property dualism the interaction of the different systems of the body create the mind. The mind is an emergent property of bodily processes. Identity thesis all mental states are embodied corporeally. Understanding bodily responses can inform our understanding of mental states (and vice versa). Biological and psychological levels of experience must be integrated for psychologists to study the mind. State-of-the-art training in psychology must include training in neurophysiology without abandoning classic psychology. The nervous system (the communication system of the body) Peripheral nervous system everything outside the brain and spinal cord. Components nerves, organs, glands, tissues, fluids, neurotransmitters.