PSYC02H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Semicolon, Parallel Construction, Statistical Model

163 views2 pages
14 Dec 2013

Document Summary

Transitional words time links (then, next, after, while, since), cause-effect links (therefore, consequently, as a result), addition links (in addition, furthermore, similarly), contrast links (but, conversely, nevertheless, however, although) Use who for human beings; use that or which for nonhuman beings and for things. Ex: the students who completed the task successfully were rewarded or the instructions that were included in the experiment were complex, not the students that completed the task successfully were rewarded) If you can substitute he or she, who is correct; if you can substitute him or her, whom is correct. Ex: name the participant who you found achieved scores above the median. [you found he or she achieved scores above the median. ] Ex: the participant whom i identified as the youngest dropped out. [i identified him or her as the youngest. ] Misplaced modifiers because of their placement in a sentence, misplaced modifiers ambiguously or illogically modify a word.