PSYB57H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: User Error, Word Salad, Primary Stages

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31 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Language cont"d & challenges in problem solving/features (and constraints) of expertise. Wernicke"s aphasia: you have no trouble speaking, but you cannot understand speech! Patients who have this pattern of difficulty all had damage among the left superior temporal lobe. These people have a lack of awareness of their problem! Fluent (but nonsensical) output: word salad. considered fluent in the sense that patients can still speak, but when they speak it is nonsense and in severe cases everything they say cannot be understood. It is as if the words are being mixed up or thrown into a bowl and produced randomly at will. Ex: if you listened to someone with wernicke"s aphasia speak german (or a language you don"t know,) they would sound completely normal. Their tone would change and fluctuate as they speak, and they would seem like they are speaking normally. But if you spoke/understood german then you would realize that it makes no sense!