PSYB57H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Retina, Inattentional Blindness, Diffusion Mri

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Document Summary

Cognitive psychology: study of the processes and products of the human mind. Consists of: absorbing (sensation) input, processing (computations) making sense of information, accessing memories, making a decision, etc, responding (action) behavioral output. Cognition is important for functioning well in the world: variability. There are within-subject as well as between-subject differences in cognitive functioning: flexibility. Cognitive abilities often change, for better or worse, with development or dysfunction. Many cognitive abilities are malleable, at least to some extent. Models of information processing: broadbent"s filter model. Information processing is restricted by channel capacity: the limit of amount of information that can be received and transmitted. The whole nervous system is a single channel and has limits to the rate at which it can transmit stimulus information. A filter prevents overloading of this channel by allowing only certain information to enter (filtering based on physical characteristics: introspection (structuralism) Introspection: looking inward to observe one"s thoughts and feelings.