PSYB57H3 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Frontal Lobe Injury, Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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5 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Cognitive psychology: the scientific study of the processes and products of the human mind. Responding (decisions and action) / response or output. A major difficulty in cognitive psychology is our inability to see the mental processes in isolation from their output. Understanding the processing stage is significant to the advancement of cognitive psychology. Cognitive resources are often limited to some degree. Cognitive functioning is important for functioning well in the real world (it"s relevant) Cognitive abilities often change, for better or worse, with development or dysfunction. Many cognitive abilities are malleable at least to some extent. Structuralism: the idea concerned with taking complex phenomena and trying to break them down into the pieces that break them up. Introspection: looking inside yourself to understand how your mental processes work. Difficulty to verify (because events are private so you have to just trust the person"s word) We are not always consciously aware of all our mental processes.