PSYB55H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Facial Action Coding System, Temporal Lobe, Motor Cortex

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Emotion: a valenced experience with a particular pattern of physiological activity, a mental and physiological state associated with a wide variety of feelings, (arousal) thoughts, and behaviours . Incidental memory test (w/ fmri): (e)motional, (n)on-emotional, (r)emember , (k)now: showing people pictures then giving surprise memory test, ask if you remember seeing them, amygdala had highest brain activation for emotions, remembered pictures. Fear conditioning: learning that something would be associated with a negative consequence: powerful for learning (human test): correlation: amygdala turns on physiological response, more active amygdala more sweat production. Impaired fear conditioning in humans: don"t need personal negative experience to develop a fear response. Impaired amygdala: won"t sweat when seeing blue square; sweat when actually shocked: amygdala linked to fear condition! Impaired: emotional regulation, social behaviour, decision-making, theory of mind, default network overlaps with ofc. Impulsivity: orienting response (more reactive to environment, things around you; environment guides behaviours, not goals)