PSYB45H3 Study Guide - Alarm Clock, Classical Conditioning, Reinforcement

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14 Aug 2014

Document Summary

Social versus automatic reinforce m e n t. Factors influencing the effectiven e s s of reinforcem e n t. Have them explain the justification for their answer. Alternatively, have student s provide novel, everyd ay exam ples of each sched ule of reinforce m e n t. The behavior that resulted in the reinforcer was hitting the lever which opene d the door. The result of the reinforce m e n t was that the cat"s behavior was strength e n e d . Punishm e n t decreas e s or weakens a behavior: in negative reinforcem e n t, the stimulus that is removed or avoided following the behavior is called an aversive stimulus. Examples of uncondition ed positive reinforcers are food, water, and sexual stimulation. Examples of unconditioned negative reinforcers are pain, cold, heat, or other discomforting or aversive stimulation.