PSYB45H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Reinforcement, Tantrum, Stimulus Control

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Law of effect: satisfying consequences, such as rewards or escape from unpleasant circumstances, strengthen stimulus-response connections gradually in the process of learning. Reinforcement: the process in which a consequence of a behaviour strengthens that behaviour, making it more likely to occur in the future consequence is contingent on the behaviour occurs only when the behaviour occurs. Reinforcer is the object or event that serves as the consequence in reinforcement basically something someone wants or finds pleasant or satisfying . Another form of natural reinforcement is automatic reinforcement, in which a behaviour produces a reinforcer directly, without other ppl playing a role. i. e. , scratching an itch and making a sound that is pleasing to oneself. Programmed reinforcers- consequences provided within a program of reinforcement with the goal of increasing or strengthening specific behaviour i. e. , high grades for good work in school & wages for satisfactory work on a job.