PSYB45H3 Study Guide - Systematic Desensitization, Certified Emission Reduction, Reinforcement

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Individuals who are trained in self-management can apply behavioral and cognitive methods to change their own behavior. Data collection is provided by the self and we manage the antecedents and consequences of the target behavior. To manage antecedents: we can apply motivating operations and prompts, alter antecedent chains, make environmental changes, use narrowing and cognitive techniques, self instructions, re-perceiving antecedents. To manage consequences: self administer reinforcers and punishers, have someone administer reinforcers and punishers. People under self-management can implement systematic desensitization to reduce their own conditioned emotional responses (cers). Behavioral contract: formal document that describes: behavior; each target behavior, antecedents; states when it should or should not be performed, consequences; what the outcomes will be for performing that behavior. A good behavioral contract should contain or clearly describe: target behaviors and antecedents, monitoring process, consequences. Target behavior and antecedents: specify: behaviors, occasions when they should or should not occur, behavioral goals.