PSYB45H3 Midterm: midterm notes.docx

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10 Feb 2013

Document Summary

Behaviour refers to anything a person does because of internal or external events. External/ overt open to view or observation: two types: Motor: verbal behaviour: use of language, motor behaviour: movement of body, overt behv = main focus of applied behv analysis b/c can be observed and measured directly by a/o person. Internal/ covert: not viewable/ private: ex: emotions, physiological changes ( <3 rate) Broad characteristics = imprecise: don"t tell us specifically what we would need to change to improve a person"s behv, more precise we are in describing behv, more successful in measuring and improving that behv. Diagnoses don"t always indicate specific behvs which need to be changed: therapists make diagnoses on basis of behaviours common to individuals who have the condition. Outcomes of behvs not behaviours: ex: getting higher grades is an outcome of a behaviour. Inborn behvs = reflexes: many reflexes have survival value.