PSYB32H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Catatonia, Paranoid Schizophrenia, Thought Disorder

41 views9 pages
20 Nov 2013

Document Summary

A negative symptom in schizophrenia, marked by poverty of speech content. A negative symptom in schizophrenia in which the individual is unable to feel pleasure. Psychoactive drugs, such as thorazine, that reduce psychotic symptoms but have long-term side effects resembling symptoms of neurological diseases. A negative symptom of schizophrenia marked by an inability to form close relationships and to feel intimacy. A negative symptom in schizophrenia in which the individual lacks interest and drive. A fixity of posture, sometimes grotesque, maintained for long periods, with accompanying muscular rigidity, trancelike state of consciousness, and waxy flexibility. A subtype of schizophrenia whose primary symptoms alternate between stuporous immobility and excited agitation. A treatment for schizophrenia that involves competence-based training in cognitive capacities and skills (i. e. , attention, memory, and problem solving) and social-cognitive skills (i. e. , conversing with someone) A disorder in which the individual has persistent persecutory delusions or delusional jealousy and is very often contentious but has no thought disorder or hallucinations.